With Gratitude

We wanted our very first blog post to be a short letter of thanks to the generous people whose contributions have helped make Nichibles a reality. 

First, we are so grateful to the knowledgable and helpful members of the marble collecting community at the internet forums.  The depth of information in identifying marbles and understanding the manufacturing process that has been freely offered to all who come seeking to learn is remarkable.  It is evident how these fine people care passionately about the integrity of the hobby.  There has often been spirited debate about the finer points, but always seeking truth before self-validation. A special thanks to Ron (Rest in Peace), Chuck, Paula and the many contributors to the forum over the years.

Nichibles could not have been brought to market without the help of the beta testers who helped shape and improve the product beyond what we had initially envisioned.  In particular, Dale deserves special recognition for his enthusiasm and excellent commitment to testing. His feedback and suggestions were truly invaluable.

Two amazing power couples, Larry and Linda and Lana and Joe, have been the inspiration not only for business and professional development but also for their unwavering principals of always putting others first. They have truly led by example and are our role-models.

Finally, none of this would have been possible without the constant and patient support of our family – in particular the creative ideas of our daughter Emma and the expertise of our daughter Maggie who is managing marketing and communications, and her husband Chris for his business and sales insights. We recognize the sacrifices each has made.

It is an honor to be able to offer some small contribution back to the community that has been so welcoming and encouraging throughout this process.  

With Gratitude,

Greg & Heather

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