Quick Start Guide
Signing Up
Creating an account in Nichibles is easy, fast and free.
The Sign In page shows options for signing in (and also up) through either existing social media accounts (Yay! No new email / password to remember) or via the traditional email account option.

If you already have a social media account such as Google (Gmail) or Facebook, you can use that account to sign-in to Nichibles as your login option without needing to ever remember a new password.
We only use your basic profile information such as email address and name to create your Nichibles-linked account.
Adding Your First Niche
Each Niche (other than General) is an area to manage a specific type of collectible. For example, the Marbles Niche is only used to manage marbles-related collections and not Basketball Cards. Each Niche will have its own Lexicon of terminology that controls choice lists and other application-related features.
Before you can add any collectibles, you must choose or create at least one Niche. To add your first Niche and collectible, click the Add Collectible button on the main dashboard. Here you can create your own niche, or choose a pre-defined template of an existing niche. A list of available Niches templates will be displayed in the dropdown.

Adding Your First Collectible
Once you have added a Niche, a blank collector’s card will appear. Click the Save and Edit button to finalize the new record and begin editing. Every collectible will be added within a specific collected Niche. If you Add Collectible from the Niche Dashboard page (like the Marbles example below), the niche will be automatically selected.

From the Niche Dashboard, click Add Collectible

There are 2 forms for adding a collectible. If you first click the List button on the Niche Dashboard and then the “plus” symbol to add a collectible, you will get the large-format Collectible Form. The Collectible Form with multiple tabs will pop up for entering your collectible information. The Item Specifics tab is displayed first. This is where the main classification of the collectible is entered – in order – with the help of the Lexicon.
The selectable choice-list values for each of the four main classification fields depend on what value was selected for the one before it, so start with the Manufacturer (the label may differ depending on the Niche) and move through each field (Pattern, Model, Variety) in order. If a value is not known, or does not appear in the Lexicon list, then a custom value can be typed in directly.

Once you have entered all the information on Item Specifics, you can move to the other tabs to enter additional information such as Pictures, Description, Size, and Condition & Issues. Note: Some tabs will not be enterable until after the record has been saved and you edit the record. When done, click the Save button. You have now added your first collectible!
This collectible will now show in the List, Statistics, and possibly the random Featured Collectible!