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What is Nichibles?

Nichibles™ is a web-based solution for cataloguing, organizing, visualizing, searching, monetizing, and (optionally) sharing niche collectibles.  It is free to use with optional premium upgrade options, requires no installation of software or plugins, and data entered can be accessed from any desktop or mobile device with a browser and internet connection.

OK – what is a “niche”?

A niche represents a specific area of collecting that:

  • Has its own passionate community of collectors that care about the integrity of the hobby
  • Has a specific vocabulary or jargon its collectors use
  • Has a specific structure for classification, grading, condition issues and qualitative and quantitative specifications.

Why Nichibles? 

Nichibles™ gives you the control to design and capture the details that matter to you and what they should be called.  Nichibles™ recognizes the human aspects of collecting by seeking to provide two core benefits to its users:

  • A private, secure classification and organization system that enhances the collector’s experience and ability to visualize and enjoy a labor-of-love collection.
  • Membership in and interaction with a community of like-minded collectors that have the same passion, speak the same “language”, and stand-up for the integrity of the hobby and its members.

Key Features

Collecting Features

  1. Identify & classify your collectibles into niche-specific standards that you define
  2. Get into the nitty-gritty of each collectible with detailed condition issues
  3. View each collectible’s details in a stunning collector’s card format
  4. Store multiple pictures of each collectible showing it in all its glory
  5. Random Featured Collectible surprises and delights in that (almost) forgotten treasure
  6. View charts showing the Statistics of your entire collection or subsets
  7. Organize & visualize your collectibles into Storage trays or Smart Albums
  8. Instant search functionality with one-click faceting on your defined specs
  9. Share your collectible as an individual card or as part of a shared smart album
  10. Create custom Sequences of stock numbers for management of inventory
  11. Batch export collectibles to Ebay Drafts for easy monetization
  12. Find specific collectibles For Sale with a few clicks
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